Who We Are
Arrowhead Health Alliance (AHA) is a collaboration between the Health and Human Services agencies of Carlton, Cook, Lake, Koochiching and St. Louis counties in northeastern Minnesota.
Through a variety of forward-thinking initiatives, we work together to help residents access services and counties access funding opportunities. We serve as a virtual hub of innovation and resource development for our member counties as well as a model for agencies in other counties. We value collaboration and innovation.
AHA Structure
Arrowhead Health Alliance operates as its own governmental entity. The Directors of Public Health and Human Services from each member county, along with the AHA Director, make up a development team that reports directly to the Arrowhead Health Alliance Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors for AHA is comprised of one Commissioner from each member county. Each member county appoints one Commissioner to act as the primary and one Commissioner to represent the primary in the event of his/her absence. AHA is a separate Joint Powers entity representing all member counties for Health and Human Services Initiatives. This allows us to respond to opportunities in a nimble, streamlined way.
We provide a vehicle (network) for public-private partnerships with the potential to improve community health and well-being. This is another example of AHA’s commitment to collaboration.
We also meet the expectations of state, federal and private grant authorities, which often require applicants to network with an existing governing board and director-level position.
AHA is positioned to respond to changes in state and federal health care regulations, allowing our member counties to use the AHA structure for the administration and delivery of services.
AHA currently serves as the governing body and provides coordination services for the Region 3 Adult Mental Health Initiative (AMHI). The Region 3 AMHI includes the Minnesota Counties and Lake Superior Chippewa Bands of Bois Forte, Carlton, Cook, Fond du Lac, Grand Portage, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake and St. Louis.